Sunny Brow Soul Escapes

Create your own private. bespoke retreat and unique well-being experience at Soul Escapes, Sunny Brow Farm. Book your weekend, week long or midweek stays, and then choose a package to create your Soul Escape, and/or add a selection from our retreat yoga/treatment list. 

Sunny Brow Farm offers a unique experience to escape from the hustle and bustle of life, connect by staying very close to nature, enjoy 5-star barn cottages and luxuriate with our onsite facilities for yoga and a selection of massage treatments.

We have three packages available to book, and a unique brochure of additional offerings that you may wish to choose from to create your own package, or add in addition to one of our existing packages, to bespoke your stay. 

As your yoga will be private, we will design the sessions to suit individual requirements – please do let us know in advance if you have a particular preference of style. 

Personal booking support

Scroll down to see all we have on offer, and then book easily through our online system. OR Please do email us for personal guidance in choosing, and booking, your retreat with us. Clara or Phil are an easy email away from helping you navigate, and book, your perfect stay. 

Contact us

Relax & Rejuvenate

Book our basic Soul Escape private retreat package which is available for 2 – 10 people. This package includes:

1 x Sunny Brow Breakfast Hamper

2 x 1 1/4 hour yoga & meditation to your requirements
1 x 1 hour holistic massage per person
Option to add extras from our brochure to bespoke your stay.

Package Cost (excluding accommodation):
2 people: £150 per person
3 - 5 people: £130 per person
6 - 8 people: £110 per person

Detox & Destress

This is a fuller soul escapes package that includes full-board food. This package is available only for a group of 6 – 10 people:

3 x 1 1/4 hour yoga
1 x 1 hour massage per person
Full board plant-based food with energy ball breakfast, and wholesome, eclectic brunches and dinners

Option to add extras from our brochure to bespoke your stay.

Package Cost (excluding accommodation):

3 nights: £245 per person
4 nights: £295 per person

*Discounts available for a group of 10, please enquire

Fully Flourish

Enjoy a full Sunny Brow experience with a schedule packed with yoga, massage and plant-based whole foods to nourish and flourish mind body and soul. Available for 6 - 10 people this package includes:

Twice daily 1 1/4 hour yoga & meditation sessions

1 x 1 hour holistic massage per person

Full board whole food meals
Optional extras from our brochure to bespoke your stay

Package Cost (excluding accommodation):
3 nights: £295 per person
4 nights: £345 per person

*Discounts available for a group of 10, please enquire

Zen Hens

This is a Soul Escapes package that is specially catered for a Hen party. You can choose from any of our 3 packages to suit your requirements. Here at Sunny brow we recognize this as such a significant moment in time, and would love to create a memorable time for you in this transition. In one of your yoga sessions we can weave a ritual space to honour this time. Or you can upgrade the yoga to one of the specific ritual and ceremony sessions that we offer here (please see brochure). If you want to have a ceremonial session as addition we offer a 10% discount to you as Hens.


Time: 1 hour 15 minutes

2 people: £40pp; 3 - 5 people: £30pp; 6 - 10 people: £25pp

Both our Hatha and/or Hatha flow yoga uses a combination of movement, held posture, sound and breath to relax and unwind; and to increase flexibility and strength. The classes aim to bring an awareness of our bodies, core strength, and breath to increase health and vitality. By working with the physical body and the subtle energies in our body we can relax, de-stress and energise. Classes can be general, or built around a particular yogic philosophy, to suit you.

A very mindful yoga practises that works carefully with the body and energy systems to open and stretch, whilst simulatnealuly restoring and gently strengthening. Expect long held posture with a relaxed body to slowly open and promote deeper flexibilty. Yin Yoga has been designed in more modern times with the yogic philiosophy, oriental medicine theories, and western science. The trio of inspirations that underpins this style of yoga makes for a magical experience that supports on all levels.

Vinyasa yoga is a creative style of yoga that involves linking poses together in a flowing sequence with the breath. The word "vinyasa" comes from Sanskrit and means "to place in a special way" or "linking movement with breath".
Vinyasa yoga classes can vary in style, pace, and intensity. Vinyasa classes can offer a variety of postures, and no two classes are ever alike. The variable nature of Vinyasa Yoga helps to develop a more balanced body, and sense of wellbeing, bespoke to you.

A profound yoga experience to promote mental, emotional, and physical relaxation using restorative, supported and gentle yoga stretches. 45 minutes of restorative stretch is follwoed by a Yoga Nidra that is a powerful practice which teaches us how to relax consciously. It reduces stress and offers all the benefits of restful sleep and guided meditation. This class can just include yoga nidra and meditation for anyone wanting to focus in this area rather than any yoga posture work.

A meditative yoga session that uses sound healing and reiki to realign the body and soul with Nada Yoga (Yoga Sound). Nāda Yoga works on the principle that everything is vibrating, and dis-ease happens when there is disharmony of vibration in our system. When you hear misaligned harmonies clash, this is akin to the disharmonies in the physical body. The 'music' of the body has literally gone out of tune.
Our sound and reiki meditation will use energy healing (reiki), with an ecclectic, in the moment blend, of sacred instruments and voice chants, opening a magical healing journey with body, sound and Spirit. Within this space the vibrations cleanse and re-harmonise the body, open the mind, and help you to find a deeper, relaxed, more connected state of being.

This unique meditation/movement session uses eclectic music with sound, words, optional movement, and touch, to take you deep into the body and intuition. Movement or yoga poses are welcome in a spontaneous, free flowing way, but are not essential. Shavasana is equally powerful within this session, if a still 'dance' is your preference. The inner dance that emerges is supportive to process and release anything that does not serve you, from body and mind, and gain insight of Truth at a deeper level. It works with music for the brain waves, bringing you gently inwards, and taking you from left brain logic, to right brain intuition. From this space it is possible to process anything negative held in the body and mind, and allow space for more flow, wisdoms, vision and Truth . You will be held in safety and love as the energy moves, and supported wherever your journey takes you.

(Subject to availability - please enquire)

An ancient blessing of awakening from from Indian Siddha Master from the Shaktipat lineage. This blessing will help you to introvert your awareness so you can go inside and find the peace, joy and love that lives within you. These qualities are our birthright and we have an unlimited source within our hearts, but we wander through life searching for snippets and momentary glances. These siddha masters, that are very rare, have the power of unconditional love and want all beings to be happy, truly happy. Swami Nardanand has this gift and he can share this with us through zoom, and with one of his swami's (and a collegue at Sunny Brow) Swami Jyoti Ma in person here.


Swedish Massage
Cost: £65 / Time: 1 hour
Using a range of Swedish massage movements and techniques this treatment aims to reduce stress, easing the body into relaxation to increase joint and muscle mobility, improve circulation, and reduce cellulite.

Holistic massage
Cost: £70 / Time: 1 hour
This heart opening, transformative and healing massage brings together body awareness and energy. Nourish mind, body and soul with a holistic treatment, using organic oils, and combining massage and reiki. Rebalance and realign with this wonderful treatment bespoke for your own body and soul, unlocking your hidden potential by releasing the old baggage and allowing in the Soul’s light. An absolute must if you are ready to transform your life.

Hot StoneS massage
Cost: £90 / Time: 1 hr 10 mins
This beautiful massage ritual session uses essential oils, hot basalt stones from the Great Lakes in America and a wide range of crystals to create a deeply restful experience. Hot and cold stones have long been used to promote muscle and deep tissue relaxation as well as to encourage the body to flush toxins from its system. The use of different crystal energies adds

Cost: £90 / Time: 1 hr 15 mins
Lomi lomi is a traditional Hawaiian massage. The technique uses a combination of long, continuous strokes ,of deep, yet gentle massage, with nut oils, and sometimes elements of prayer, to restore energy and soothe the body. Also called 'loving touch' lomi lomi allows the recipient to relax and give in to the nurturing touch. The long strokes of the massage are designed to help the body let go of its old patterns and behaviours, which can cause as many stresses and strains as muscle tension.

Cost: £75 / Time 1 hour10 mins
Using the ancient techniques from Ayurvedic healing this is the ultimate indulgence. Looking at the doshas, our energetic make up, and any imbalacne, this gentle, loving and nurturing massage rebalances the body and acknowledging the Soul. Using ritual, energy, ayurvedic and soul healing, you are left feeling safe and supported on all levels.

Reflexology / THAI foot MASSAGE
Cost: £65/ Time: 1 hour
A system of massage for the feet used to relieve tension and treat illness, based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, and hands, linked to every part of the body.
During the massage pressure is applied to specific areas of the feet, stimulating other parts of the body. A great treatment for detoxing and purifying the body and calming the mind.

Cost: £70 / Time: 1 hour
Aromatherapy massage is a therapy using highly concentrated plant oils, called essential oils which are added to the massage oil or lotion. Essential oils are believed to be absorbed through the skin and it is claimed each essential oil has different healing properties. Our therapist will design a massage with oils for your own individual requirement.
This is a gentle yet profound healing modaltiy using the wisdom of plants.

Cost: £70 / Time: 1 hour
A cleasning and invigorating treatment that exfoliates and energises the skin and regulates blood circulation. The treatment uses pink himalayan salt and organic almond oil for the salt scrub massage, followed by warm towels to refresh and finish the cleanse, completing with a lavender & almond oil to moisturise. The experiecnce leaves you feeling refreshed with a warm glow and flow around the whole body.

Cost: £35 / Time: 30 minutes
Indian head massage is a relaxing massage technique from Ayurvedic Indian health care, traditotinally used as a daily stress relieving massage. The treatment combines various massage strokes and acupressure points; and includes kneading tapping and probing of scalp neck and shoulder areas.

Cost: £70 / Time: 1 hour
A relaxing massage to specially care for a pregnant mother. Pregnancy massage is a loving offering of a safe and nourishing massage, for when your body needs it the most.
Cushions are used to support your body and provide comfort, and gentle massage techniques used to soothe away tension, and leave you feeling relaxed and at ease. 


Cost: £60 / Time: 1 hour
The Reiki tradition of healing practice originates from Japan. The word Reiki is made up of two Kanji: ‘Rei’ meaning universal and ‘Ki’ meaning energy. Reiki is a type of energy medicine where the practitioner uses their hands to channel healing energy into the body of their client. By creating balance and helping the health of your energy system, Reiki can help you to heal emotional, mental and physical symptoms.

Cost: 1 hour / £65
Guided by Source and the dream weave, Soul readings provide you with an opportunity to explore all that you are. Focused on your soul journey, readings may cover past life and/or karmic influences and could be seen as a form of guided spiritual counselling. They can offer overview of patterns of behaviour or emotional experience as well as explore possible future consequence of choices made now.
Readings are unqiue and are ‘in the moment.’ Your soul is invited to share with you what you need to know at the time of the reading to further your spiritual development and your general wellbeing.

Cost: 1 hour / £60
A deep healing treatment that utilizes a range of techniques to cleanse, balance and realign your energy system and connect you with your soul. This treatment works intuitively with a combination of energy work, crystals, drum, voice, breath and words in order to facilitate change. Working with soul to Suzy means working with a deep appreciation of all that we are – body, mind, emotions, present, past & future. Sessions use a range of guided techniques or include channeled guidance to move you deeply within your awareness of your whole self to allow personal insights & understanding to arise.

Cost: 1 hour / £60
This is a deep healing process session where you will be supported to reconnect with emotions, feelings and sensations held in the cellular memory of your body in order to release what no longer serves you. In transformational healing we energetically access negative thoughts, memories and beliefs in the body from the past and replace them with higher frequency energies. This transmutation of negative emotions and beliefs allows us to become clearer and more aligned to our soul path and the truth of life.


Cost: £180 + £5pp / Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
For 2 - 10 people
Cacao is a heart medicine. Working with cacao supports, and opens, the heart. She gently relaxes and enlivens, and is therefore very helpful for all types of spiritual/meditative/yogic work. Within the ceremony our cacao priestess can offer a blend of activities to compliemnt the cacao, and to suit you and your group.
Cacao activates and dances uniquely with each of us. She enhances our experiences, and guides us to the essence of our own experience within the ceremony. Cacao may bring out beautiful feelings such as bliss, joy, laughter. And can also show us our deep inner work, blocks and areas to release. All is welcome in the space, and we know she will have a unique and transformational experience.



Cost: £95 + £5pp / Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
For 2 - 10 people
This is a ceremony designed to support connection with transpersonal space, often called the dreamweave, and your own direct revelation, for clarity , inspiration, and/or awakening.
Using your choice of blue lotus or mugwort tea, which both enhance the dream-like state, we open to meditative techniques to support connection. Please ask if you wish for clarity around your choice of plant. Blue lotus is a sacred plant from Eygyt that was used in ancient Eygptian spiritual practise for deepening states of consciousness. Mugwort is a native plant used in spiritual circles for opening the thrid eye to bring vision and clarity. Both plants beautifully support Shamanic style work, and we invite you to use these safe plant medicines for your growth and healing.
Setting intention, share circle, and optional wishes/prayers for your practise, begins the session. We call in the directions, enjoy the tea, and then settle into a journey (an awake dream) for guidance and inspiration. A very freeing and yet focused meditation technique, done with the beat of a drum, journeying is a anciont technique that is supportive for our lives by connecting us to the transpersonal space. It helps to take you from ‘ordinary reality’ to ‘nonordinary reality’ where you follow vision , colour, and/or words within the three realms in Shamanic practise. This technique takes you in the moment whereever you need to go, for your deepest wisdom, guidance or healing. 

Cost: £100 + £5pp / Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
For 2 - 10 people
Tea has been loved, and used as medicine for the body and soul, for many centuries. Tea nourishes the body, and brings us wisdoms from the soul within.
Our tea ceremonies are designed to rediscover the beauty, joy and sacredness within our beloved teas. And to enjoy the simplicity of presence, as we work mindfully, and in harmony with the moment. Blended with ritual, meditation, and share space, these are healing ceremonies for the mind, body and soul. The ceremony will be with pur'eh tea as its anciont tea leaves from the ancestor trees in Yunnan province bring us wisdom and peace, gently supporting our meditation and conscious practice. 

Cost: £125 / Time: 1 hour 30 minutes (includes 15 mins discussion and planning)
Ceremony and ritual has long been used to support us to navigate all the experiences of being
human, to aid healing and enlighenment. A Rite of Passage is a ceremony for a specific, and special, moment in time that we can honour, using ceremony, as we move through.  Any ceremonial space, in however you wish to use it, is a unique opportunity to acknowledge where we are, and that something very significant has happened for us. We are inviting Spirit, ourselves, and/or our loved ones, to witness what has taken place. Sometimes we need a structured space to allow us to face up to a difficult feeling or experience or to celebrate a milestone or aspect of our self. The use of ritual can allow us to communicate with our subconscious mind to promote acceptance and deep and lasting change. The rituals within the ceremonial space support us with this depth.

Our personal ceremonies, woven bespoke for you, are simple, thoughtful rituals drawing from the natural world for inspiration. Your ceremony can include elements from our other ceremonies if you wish. We will listen to your spiritual preferences and aim to create a space that feels right for you. If you think you would like a personal ceremony, please let us know what you would like a ceremony to do for you. We will then draw on our experience to create the unique space you need. Usually, personal ceremonies are one-to-one. However, if you have travelled with friends or loved ones, or are wanting a Rite of Passage ceremony, they are of course very welcome to attend.